VPN Reminder

Article Published and Edited by Susan Black and Spencer Creasy

Students are installing VPN’s on their laptop to access blocked sites in and out of school. VPN’s are not only against the schools laptop policy, but they are dangerous. VPN’s, also known as a Virtual Private Network, are controlled by a private user. These private users encrypt the VPN; allowing access to the Internet from a remote device. When using VPN’s, it allows the user controlling the private server to see your information (ex: login info, passwords, and any data sent or received) and keep a record of it. This can result in identity theft, slow internet connection and lead to other severe problems. VPN’s also can break the web browser and connection to the network.

Why You Should Stop Using VPN’s link: https://wp.me/p5oO70-E9

Section pulled from Penn Manor’s Technology Policy:


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