Week of May 7th…

Hello, 5th Grade Martic Families,

I hope this blog finds your week off to a great start!  Our brains are continuing to stretch like rubber bands to get stronger and stronger every day.   I know you’ll keep putting 150% effort into everything that you do 5th graders… YOU ROCK!!!

Curriculum News:

Reading: Today, we began lesson twenty-four by reviewing our focus skill.  Our focus skill is to recognize and understand figurative language expressions within a passage.  Figurative language is another type of literary device that authors often use.  Fantasy is the genre of this lesson’s text selection.  Tomorrow, we will preview the new robust vocabulary words by using our prior knowledge and context clues to predict and confirm their meanings.  Wednesday and Thursday we will engage in our first and second close readings of the fantasy passage.  Plus, we will get started on our independent comprehension, vocabulary, and focus skill activities.
Spelling:  Your child should bring home her/his homework packet for this week today.  It is lesson twenty-eight, and there are 30 lessons in our spelling series. So after this week, we will only have two more to complete. WOW…!!!  the packet is due Thursday and the test will be on Friday.


Math: This week in math we will begin our preview of sixth-grade material. On Monday we will review how to find the GCF and LCM of a pair and set of numbers. Tuesday we will talk about how to express rates and ratios as a simplified fraction. Wednesday we will look at the meaning of rate a bit closer, and relate it to the meaning of ratio. The rest of the week will be spent on unit rate as well as ratio tables and scaling ratios up and down. Keep up the hard work in math this marking period fifth grade!


This Friday, May 11th, is a 1:30 dismissal.

Your child should’ve brought home a Whitaker Science Center permission slip.  If he/she hasn’t shown it to you yet, please ask to see it so that you can fill it out and send it back to me. Our trip is scheduled for Thursday, May 31st.

Thank you for everything that you do and for your support.  Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Eby 🙂

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