Week of October 15th…

Hi Everyone,

Do you think the fall weather is here to stay?  I hope so!  To find out how we’ll be stretching our brains and making them stronger this week… Keep on reading.  

Curriculum News:

Reading:  Today, we had some catching up to do from last week.  So, we wrapped up our independent vocabulary activity. Tomorrow and Wednesday, we will be doing review activities for reading, analyzing, and interpreting fictional texts. Thursday and Friday we will begin a new lesson.  The passage is an informational narrative, and the focus skill is reading, analyzing, and identifying the comparison/contrast text structure.

Spelling:  This week, our lesson is a review lesson. It contains a handful of words from each of the first four lessons.  Your child received her/his homework packet today and is aware that it is due Thursday.  Since this is a review lesson… There are four pages in the homework packet instead of three.  I made the children aware of this. They also know that their test is on Friday.

Math: This week in math we will conclude our third unit, dividing by 1 digit divisors. Monday we are practicing questions where a zero will appear in the middle or end of the quotient. On Tuesday we will work on some questions involving interpreting the remainder, and how it may impact the overall answer to a word problem. On Wednesday our focus will be one and two-step word problems, and Thursday we will review everything we learned during the unit. Friday is the end of unit test, so don’t forget to complete that study guide Thursday night. Keep up the hard work in math fifth graders!


This Friday, October 19th, is a 1:30 dismisssal.

Thank you for your support and have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Eby 🙂

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