Week of October 7th…

Hi Martic 5th Grade Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Here’s what’s coming down the pike, this week, that’s going to help us strengthen our brains by stretching them!

Curriculum News:

Reading:  Today in reading, we independently worked on a comprehension activity that went along with our autobiography,” Line Drive”, from last week and began to set up our vocabulary cards. Tomorrow, we will finish setting up our vocabulary cards so we are ready to do an independent study and buddy study before completing our vocabulary activity on our own. Wednesday, we will read and analyze a poem in order to identify it’s conflict and resolution by unpacking our thinking. Thursday and Friday we will work through a review activity on interpreting fictional text.

Spelling: Your child received her/his spelling homework packet today. He/she knows that the packet is due on Thursday and that our test is on Friday. Please continue to help your child study for her/his test every week.

  Math: This week in math, we will continue practicing our division strategies that we learned last week, and Monday we will focus mainly on the traditional algorithm to solve division problems. Tuesday we will talk about placing the first digit correctly in the traditional algorithm, and how that impacts the final answer. Wednesday we will focus on division problems that give us a zero in the quotient, and how to deal with that when it is necessary to put a zero in the quotient. Thursday our lesson will be about interpreting the remainder, and how depending on the context of the word problem, how a remainder can impact the final answer. We will also take our unit 3 quiz on Thursday. Friday we will work on solving division word problems. Keep up the hard work in math 5th grade!  


Next Monday, October 14th, school is not in session.

Thank you for your support, and have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Eby 🙂

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