Week of October 28th…

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing weekend! Here’s what’s coming down the pike, this week, to stretch our brains and make them stronger!!!

Curriculum News:

Reading:  In reading today, we started our first round of readers’ theaters!  The students got into their groups, divided up the parts and began practicing their fluency (rate and expression).  The children collaborated very well together!  Way to go fifth graders…You used your cooperation skills, stayed focused and accomplished quite a bit! Tomorrow, we will continue practicing our scripts.  Wednesday, we will begin presentations and continue into Thursday if need be.  The students are very excited!!!

Spelling: Your child received his/her spelling homework packet today. She/he knows that it is due on Thursday. Our test will also be on Thursday since the children don’t have school on Friday.

Math: This week in math, we are wrapping up our fourth unit of the year which was all about dividing by 2 digit divisors. Monday we did some extra practice with dividing with a review game. Tuesday we will have stations to review all the skills we worked on in the fourth unit, and the study is for homework that night. Wednesday will be test day, and Thursday we will begin unit 5. The fifth unit is all about adding and subtracting decimals, and Thursday will kick off with a review of how to round decimals. Keep up the hard work in math 5th grade!


Have a wonderful week, and thank you for your support!

This Friday, November 1st, the children do not have school.

Mrs. Eby 🙂

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