Week of February 14th…

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are all having a good week! Here are some things that we have been working on in order to stretch our brains and make them stronger.

Curriculum News:

Reading with Mrs. Eby:  5th Grade readers and writers are wrapping up our “Close Reading”  activity which was centered around a non-fiction passage entitled Valentine’s/Money Day.  Ask your child about it.  Next week, we will begin to work through a Text Dependent Analysis activity.  Keep stretching your brain and making it stronger!

Spelling: Your child turned in their spelling homework packet this morning. She/He knows that their spelling test is tomorrow. Since it is a short week, next week, your child will not have spelling.

Math with Miss Miller: This week, we finished our ninth chapter and took our chapter 9 test on Wednesday. We are now starting our tenth chapter: multiplying and dividing fractions! Please do not forget to complete the survey for your child to use a new math resource: Freckle. Here is the link to the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5whXYLazMFrZAm5HPFORUiMu23lSP8QSMedHi5M9xI6T0-w/viewform?usp=sf_link If you have any questions please let me know!

Reminders: Tomorrow, Friday, 2/18, is a 1:30 dismissal, and we don’t have school on Monday, 2/21.

Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!


Mrs. Eby 🙂

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