Upcoming Meeting Dates: (March 26th – 6:30 pm)
Minutes from the last meeting: Applause Notes Feb 27^J2024
Applause!! (Friends of PM Theatre) is the “booster group” for the PM theatre program. Meetings are held once a month, and are no longer than one hour in length. Many of the activities that Applause!! oversees have been long-time traditions. We need your help – please consider joining us at our next meeting.
Our meetings are held once a month – traditionally, on Mondays or Tuesdays, at 6:30 pm at PMHS.
Applause!! Activities are:
- Post-show Party for all cast, crew and orchestra members
- Organization of Meals during Tech Week
- Rose Sale – in the lobby. Wooden roses that are beautiful!
- End of Year Banquet: “Breakfast With the Stars”
- Bus Trips to New York to see a Broadway show?
- Production Support – helping to find props, make costumes, etc.
When is the next Applause meeting?
October 9th (tomorrow!) is the next meeting at 6:30 in rm 209. The other dates for 2018-19 are:
Nov 6, Jan 8, Feb 12, Feb 26, March 12, April 9 . We don’t meet in December/May traditionally.