The course request window is now open for students to select classes for the 2013-14 school. The window will be open from Wednesday afternoon, February 27 through Monday morning, March 4. Students may begin requesting courses for next school year from home at anytime while the window is open
Attached is a Frequently Asked Questions document that students can reference at anytime if a scheduling concern may arise. Students should also be using their Course Request Worksheet and the course selection information posted on the high school website to make informed decisions about next year’s classes.
- Please be sure to select at least two alternate courses
- You do not need to print a Course Request Form when you are finished. You will receive a copy in HR the week of March 18.
The course request window will reopen on Wednesday, March 6 through Friday March 8 during the school day for students. If you cannot request courses from home OR you have questions concerning course selection, students can report to the library during their assigned time and see a counselor. Teachers will have a schedule in their classrooms for students to follow on those days
If you have any questions about course selection or requesting course for next year, please contact your child’s counselor.