Millersville College Fair

Millersville University is hosting a large College Fair on Thursday, March 12th and the Penn Manor Counseling Department will be taking advantage of this event being so conveniently close.  Juniors who are interested in learning about how to get the most out of a college fair and who would like to research colleges, technical schools, and military programs are encouraged to pick up a permission form and return it to the HS Counseling Office by Monday, March 2nd in order to attend a morning session at the College Fair.   College visits can be time-consuming and expensive.  Please encourage Juniors to capitalize on this valuable experience.


In addition– From 5-7 pm parents, guardians, families and students are invited to attend the College Fair so mark your calendar.


For additional information on the event visit MU Admissions at


PSU SAT Prep Courses

When: Saturdays, March 21 – April 11, 2015, 9:00 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.


Where: Room 112, Pullo Family Performing Arts Center, Penn State York


Cost: $210 (this price includes the cost of the book)


Course Number: EDUC 5020 001


This course will reflect any recent changes to the SAT and review important verbal and math skills assessed on the exam.

Students can become familiar with the test format and learn valuable test-taking strategies.


The course fee includes the latest version of the book, “The Official SAT Study Guide” from the College Board.


The class will meet for four consecutive Saturday mornings on the Penn State York campus.  Please contact Judy Woods for further information: or 717-771-4032. Registration is available online. We hope to see you students there!


Classes for Students interested in Careers in the Law Field

Classes for Students interested in Careers in the Law Field


CSB will offer a class from 5-7pm on two Wednesdays a month, the 2nd and 4th week, of March, April, and May, and is no cost to the student.


The classes will introduce the students to a variety of legal fields including Tort law, Criminal law, Family law, The Bill of Rights, and the Pennsylvania Legal System.

Guest speakers who are employed in the legal field will be invited to speak to the students about the law.

Interested students should contact :


Cherie Taylor, Esquire

Academic Liaison

Consolidated School of Business