HACC Open House & Health Career Exploration 2015

Considering Health Care Field?

HACC Lancaster Campus Health Career Exploration Day, Wednesday, October 7th 9:00am-11:00am

East Building, Room 203. Explore a variety of health career options, learn about important issues in healthcare, hear from current healthcare professionals about future trends in the industry and more!

HACC Open House, Saturday, October 17th 10:00am-2:00pm

All Campus and All Majors. Explore online, on-campus and blended learning options, get a tour, meet faculty, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and enter to win $1,000 for your tuition. Please visit hacc.edu/Openhouse to register.

For additional information contact Laura Nalls 717-358-2879, HACC Admissions Recruiter

ACE Mentor Program-Accepting Applications


The program is open to 9th through 12th grade students, who are interested in learning more about a career in the building industry. Promising students from the program can receive scholarships for college through the ACE program.  View the 2015-2016 ACE Informational Flyer for more information and sign up at www.acementor.org. Registrations due Wednesday, September 30th.  

Community Health Programs: Classes and Groups

Penn Manor Counseling Department received the following information from community partners:


Life Transitions Program for children (ages 12-18) that struggle with transitions in their lives related to parent separation/divorce. Children have ongoing transitions whether their parents are recently separated or have not been together for a longer period of time. The program is an 8 week group for one hour and fifteen minutes for each session. Children will be grouped by age. Flyer: Life Transitions Group
For more information see the flyer above and contact childfirstone@comcast.net  The group will meet on Saturdays and the start date is TBA depending on enrollment and interest.

PARENTING WISELY (3R’s for Parents and Youth) PROGRAM

Learn constructive skills proven to lessen drug and alcohol abuse, school and homework problems, delinquency, family conflict, and more. The program consists of three 2-hour sessions running at multiple locations in October, November, and December. See the Flyer for more details:  COBY’s Parenting Classes

SERIES OF RELEVANT TOPIC SEMINARS by Counseling and Social Work Department of Lancaster Bible College

LBC will be hosting public events through the department of Counseling and Social Work. The first is Wednesday, October 7th on “The Career Conversation” for family & friends of 15-25 year-olds. This session will provide you with tools, tips, and tricks for having career conversations with young people. The second is Monday, November 16th on “The Role of Psychotherapy In Light of A Foundationally Christian View of Persons”.  Please read the flyer for more information: LBC Counseling events. Sign up for these free events at lbc.edu/events

Freshman Class Meeting 2015

The freshman class meeting took place on Wednesday, September 16th during homeroom. Below are the highlights and links covered during that meeting:

PSAT 8/9 Information and Practice Test

Students received packets with a practice test for the PSAT 8/9 coming up on Wednesday, October 14th.  Students will take this during school and were instructed to get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast to help them do their best on the PSAT. Here is an excerpt from the presentation:

The PSAT 9 is a test that will help you and your teachers figure out what you need to work on most so that you’re ready for college when you graduate from high school. It tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT in a way that makes sense for 9th graders.

Your test results will let you know if you should check out AP classes

Your PSAT 9 test results will give you a personalized study plan

S’MORE Good Advice

The Counselors shared advice and tips for freshman:

Try to form Connections:

Join at least one club or activity

Sign up online this week after you’ve looked at the club booklet

Go to the HS Blog and click the link for the sign up form

Ask for Help:

Email your teachers, counselors, coaches

Put a blue slip in to make a counseling appointment

Go to tutoring


Students received an overview of the graduation project that must be completed before the end of their junior year. This year the students should focus on the career matchmaker quiz, the career interviews, and beginning their resume on Career Cruising.


Graduate Students from Millersville University in the Office of Learning Services Presented to the 9th graders on “How to Get and Stay Organized” so they can do well at PMHS.


Senior Class Meeting 2015

The senior class meeting took place Tuesday, September 15th during homeroom.  Below are highlights and links covered during the meeting.

Graduation Project
Seniors who haven’t completed their graduation project must present this fall.   You can present to the counseling staff by October 30th or to a panel of teachers the week of November 11th. There are three ways to present:

  1. During your senior interview with your counselor before October 30th. Please contact your counselor if you want to pre-schedule this appointment.
  2. With other guidance staff before October 30th.  Sign-up for appointments will be available at the end of September.
  3. Present to teachers October 14th while underclassman are taking the PSATs. Sign up information TBA.
  4. Present to a panel of teachers the week of November 11th (all seniors who have not presented before October 30th).

College Focus Session:
If you didn’t sign up for the college focus session at the end of the senior class meeting, you can still Sign up online here or at the guidance office. This will be targeted specifically for student who still have these questions about college:

Is college right for me?
I don’t know what I want to major in.
How do I start applying to colleges?

If you have signed up for the college focus session, report to the auditorium on Thursday during homeroom.

Register for the ACT’s
Deadline to register for ACT’s, Friday September 18th. www.act.org

Fall Events
Subscribe to this blog to get details about upcoming events.
Financial Aid Night October 21 at 7:00pm in the Auditorium.
Instant Admissions Events for the following schools:  IUP Indiana University of PA. October 20th. Millersville University November 3rd. West Chester University, November 10th. Registration information will be posted on the blog.


Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year

The Penn Manor Counseling Staff will be utilizing the various forms of media this year to communicate upcoming events, opportunities, and information for students.  To be sure you don’t miss an opportunity or important deadline, do the following:

Follow us on instagram and twitter @PMCounselors   

Subscribe to the blog by submitting your email address in the right column of the blog. >>>

Check your student email regularly. Do this by forwarding it to your personal email, or setting it up on your phone, or creating a regular reminder to check it.

Read the high school daily bulletin because it includes the daily announcements about lots of activities and deadlines.

Have a great year learning and living for your future!