The freshman class meeting took place on Wednesday, September 16th during homeroom. Below are the highlights and links covered during that meeting:
PSAT 8/9 Information and Practice Test
Students received packets with a practice test for the PSAT 8/9 coming up on Wednesday, October 14th. Students will take this during school and were instructed to get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast to help them do their best on the PSAT. Here is an excerpt from the presentation:
The PSAT 9 is a test that will help you and your teachers figure out what you need to work on most so that you’re ready for college when you graduate from high school. It tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT in a way that makes sense for 9th graders.
Your test results will let you know if you should check out AP classes
Your PSAT 9 test results will give you a personalized study plan
S’MORE Good Advice
The Counselors shared advice and tips for freshman:
Try to form Connections:
Join at least one club or activity
Sign up online this week after you’ve looked at the club booklet
Go to the HS Blog and click the link for the sign up form
Ask for Help:
Email your teachers, counselors, coaches
Put a blue slip in to make a counseling appointment
Go to tutoring
Students received an overview of the graduation project that must be completed before the end of their junior year. This year the students should focus on the career matchmaker quiz, the career interviews, and beginning their resume on Career Cruising.
Graduate Students from Millersville University in the Office of Learning Services Presented to the 9th graders on “How to Get and Stay Organized” so they can do well at PMHS.