Heroin- A Community Conversation to be held in Millersville

Drug overdose deaths in the county have more than tripled in the last four years, in large
part due to the heroin scourge which plagues every local community. Last year, more than
2500 Pennsylvanians died of drug overdose.
The Lancaster County Anti-Heroin Task Force is working to combat the heroin epidemic in
our community. We invite you to come join our kick-off event on:
Grace United Methodist Church
[Monday, May 2nd at 7pm]
[163 W. Frederick Street, Millersville, PA 17551]
The mission of the Task Force and Community Forums is to:
– Reduce heroin-related deaths
– Promote education on addictions devastating impact
– Provide access to resources and treatment options combating substance abuse
– Provide support to families and those affected by addiction
Please join us in our community’s response to the heroin epidemic.
This project was supported by PCCD Subgrant #26176, awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
Delinquency (PCCD).

LGHealth Penn AHTF Community Event

Make The Most Of Your Summer–

Looking for Summer Career Interviews/Shadowing/Volunteer Opportunities?

All students at PMHS are required to complete a Career Oriented Graduation Project.  Summer is a great time to work on completing a Career Shadowing experience or conducting informational interviews.  Additionally, many students are planning for Career Internships and Service Learning placements for the 16-17 school year.  Let the Lancaster Chamber  help.  The Chamber hosts a website, www.lancasterchambercareerconnect.com, that provides a resource designed to connect students with area employers and employees.  Please take advantage of this great resource!

Camp Volunteer at Lancaster Science Factory

Do you enjoy working with children?  If so, the Lancaster Science Factory is looking for Camp Volunteers for this summer to assist with their summer camp STEM sessions. This is a great opportunity for students to have fun while earning building their resume and gaining experience. Volunteers will be responsible for assisting campers with their projects, helping with attendance, assisting instructors with set-up, inventory, and clean-up and monitoring campers during class/break time. STEM camps start the week of June 13th and ends Aug 19. Each camp week will involve a different instructor, topic and group of campers.  Ideally, volunteers should be able to assist at least the full week of a session if not more.stem

Please click here to download the application and e-mail to rcahill@tlsf.org

Prospective volunteers will need to go  an interview process and participate in a group orientation prior to the start of the program.   

 Volunteers 18 and over must have an updated Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse Clearance prior to the start of volunteering. Volunteers who have lived outside of PA in the past 10 years must also complete a FBI clearance.

College Enrichment Experience

Attention rising Juniors and Seniors, this is your chance to explore the University and town of Indiana in a fun and supportive setting!  The Cook Honors College will be hosting be hosting their two week honors program this summer from July 10- 23 where students will be able to explore college indianacourses and learn more about higher education while making new friends in the process. Courses will be taught by experienced IUP faculty so that students can gain a better understanding of the workload that is expected of them in college. However, there is much more to student life than going to class and students will have the opportunity to visit the planetarium, the music hall, library, local pizza places, and coffee shops. Not only that, but students will have the chance to learn more about clubs and organizations on campus.! Even if IUP is not the right college for you, this honors program will help distinguish you as a student who pursued a college experience while still in high school!

Application deadline is May 15th

To download the application, please click here

To view the course listing, please click here

Reading Programs for Children and Adults

Do you or someone you know want to learn how to improve their reading skills? If so, Temple University is sponsoring a reading program for children and adults this summer in Lancaster. Whether you are entering Kinderradinggarden and learning how to read or are out of school simply want to improve your comprehension and retention, this program will help you enhance all of these skills.

For more information, please here to view the flyer.

To register, please call 1-800-570-8936

2016 Senior Survey

This year the Senior Post Graduation Survey is being done electronically.  Every senior MUST fill out this survey:  http://goo.gl/forms/YlnPvlfE5k.

Students will be required to log into their student google account to fill out the form so that we can track that each student has completed the survey. This is the information for PA Department of Education reports on post-secondary plans, so it is important that students make sure all of their answers are as correct as possible.

Career Seminars: CS and Food Science

Two Career Seminars in April:

FutureApril 14th: Technology, Engineering, and Computer Science

Ruth Suehle and Tom Callaway will be joining us from Red Hat, a multi-national open source technology company providing services to 90% of Fortune 500 companies: https://www.redhat.com

Ruth and Tom authored the book Raspberry Pi Hacks. They have extensive experience with programming, 3D printing, and physical computing. Typically, they focus on university outreach and education.

Begins at 9:30, Click here to sign up! 

Begin_Your_Career_SidebarApril 21st: Food and Service Industries

Several Penn Manor Parents and Alumni will be joining us for this very diverse and broad topic related to Food Industry and Service Industry.  We will have

  • Tom Battle, Director of Project Management, Customer Service & Transportation; AFP advanced food products llc.
  • Rob Commero, General Manager; The Lancaster Press Room Restaurant & Barr;
  • Judy Shaffer, Owner and Operator; Chick-fil-A Lancaster
  • Alana Micchie, eCommerce & interactive Marketing Manager;  High Hotels Ltd.

Several of these speakers may also have paid internships or job opportunities for our students!

Begins at 9:30, Click here to sign up

Technology Programs at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology


Blog Post by Kate Surra and Susanna Schaum, PM Class of 1984

My friend, Susanna, is a Penn Manor Alum, Class of 1984. We both have daughters.  While I am at the beginning of the parenting road with a six year old and a two year old, Susanna is farther along with a 26 year old.  As women, we know the challenges our daughters will encounter as they pursue their interests, select careers, possibly marry and have children.  We are challenged daily with balancing our own lives and we know the expectations on them will be just as high.  They, too, will be expected to be successful at a career, to be great mothers and fantastic wives.20160225_125206 (2)

As a female engineer, and an instructor in the Water and Environmental Technology Program at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, I recognize the need to expose more young women to STEM career options.  Susanna and I share this common interest in recruiting more women to the College, and to the STEM fields in general.  So, when I organized a tour for young women from Penn Manor (Susanna’s alma mater) to introduce them the phenomenal green collar and manufacturing career opportunities afforded to graduates of the Water and Environmental Technology and Machine Tool and Computer Aided Manufacturing programs at Thaddeus Stevens College, I asked Susanna to partner with me.  Together we organized a tour of Lancaster City’s Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant and green infrastructure projects, and of Flex-Cell Precision’s (where Susanna works) manufacturing facility.  After the company tours we provided the young women with the opportunity to have lunch at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, and tour the campus.   It was so exciting to meet the young women and share their enthusiasm.  They were exposed to professions many of them had not considered.

Touring the Lancaster City Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant allowed the young women to learn more about careers in the water industry.  Although water is a resource that we use daily, we rarely think about the people who work to ensure this basic human need is met.  In Pennsylvania, an aging workforce and increasingly stringent environmental regulations have resulted in an impending shortage of certified technicians.  Graduates of the program will find employment in both the private and public sector, with starting wages between $18 and $25 per hour.  These careers also offer good benefits, and excellent job security.  What could be more rewarding than a career helping people, and helping the environment?

At Flex-Cell Precision, an innovative, high tech company specializing in CNC machining, the female students explored manufacturing careers.  Steel, titanium, kovar, aluminum and stainless steel arrive at the facility and after a few weeks these metals leave as intricate parts for the medical, military and communications industries.  Susanna and I found it fascinating to watch the young women as they toured the workspace and saw the machines and employees engaged in challenging and interesting tasks.

They learned about the sponsorship program Flex-Cell Precision, along with 20 other companies, participates in each year.  Thaddeus Steven’s Students are sponsored by a company who pays $1200 for their tools and then in many cases gives them a summer job before they start at the College.  Susanna says that Flex-Cell Precision currently has two students participating in the program who wor20160225_091754k while they attend classes, and also participates in an innovative internship program that allows second year students with a grade point average of 3.2 and above to work for class credit.  Flex-Cell Precision currently employs five graduates from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.

Susanna always asks how many of the young women have part time jobs and many of them tell her they do.  When she enquires about their pay, which many times ranges from $7.50 to $9.00 an hour, Susanna tells them they could make between $12.00 and $15.00 an hour, if they were to pursue a machining sponsorship from one of the 16 companies participating in the program.  We also discuss starting wages which can range from $18.00 to $23.00 an hour for machining companies in Lancaster County.  For some, these wages mean nothing.  It is hard to explain hourly wages, salaries, the advantages of good health benefits and 401(k) plans to young people.  All of that seems so far away.

As a woman and a mother, I encourage parents and teachers to talk to the young people in your lives about their future educationa20160225_125206 (1)l decisions.   Some of us have children who know exactly what their future holds.  We will be able to tell our friends about our children who are engineers, architects, doctors, web designers, nurses and physical therapists.  But, who talks about the careers in the water industry or in the machining fields?  Flex-Cell Precision alone has more than 20 of them, and they make parts every day that are shipped all over the world. The also make respectable wages and have good benefits.  AND, they are not carrying $32,528 (the average amount of student loan debt for PA college graduates) in debt upon graduation.

The workforce is changing and the people with skills are in demand and will continue to find challenging and interesting jobs that pay well.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th.  Come visit Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology and share what a promising future looks like with young women and men.

For more information about Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, please visit their website at: www.stevenscollege.edu.  If you are interested in learning more about women in the STEM fields or the W.E.T. program, please contact Kate Surra at surrak@stevenscollege.edu.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th. Come visit Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology and share what a promising future looks like.

For more information about Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, please visit their website at: www.stevenscollege.edu.

If you are interested in learning more about women in the STEM fields or the W.E.T. program, please contact Kate Surra at surrak@stevenscollege.edu.