The Growing Project-Summer Volunteers needed

The Growing Projects is a program of Hunger-Free Lancaster County ( as a way to infuse more healthy produce into the charitable food network and give volunteers of all ages a chance to help. The Growing Project is dedicated to growing fresh vegetables to help feed hungry people in Lancaster County. This first year, 2 acres will be cultivated for sweet corn, squash, pumpkins, beans, and more.

Volunteers will be needed throughout the planting, growing, and harvest process to make this venture successful so there will be abundant opportunity for others to get involved. To get involved and for more information contact Mike Youse at the the Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central PA at 717-677-8211.

Volunteers are needed from May 21th and throughout the planting, growing, and harvest season. Volunteers must be over the age of 10 and are invited to bring garden tools.

Hunger-Free Lancaster County is chaired by former state Sen. Mike Brubaker and a partnership with business, faith-based nonprofit, and public sector organization working together to ensure sustainable access to three healthy meals a day for all Lancaster residents by 2018.

Dual Enrollment F&M Course and Deadlines

Below you will find four dual enrollment announcements for May-June 2016: 

Franklin and Marshal College

Franklin and Marshall College provides one free dual enrollment course a semester to a senior student. If rising senior year would like to apply for the fall dual enrollment course at Franklin and Marshall, pick up an application in the School Counselors office.  Applications are due back in the school counselors office Friday, June 3rd. The Fall course options are Arabic 101, History 225 19th Century Europe, History 225 Imperial Russian History, and Literature 201 Intro to Literary Studies.

Spring Dual Enrollment Grades Past Due

Current students who took a spring dual enrollment course, please turn your final grade into your counselors ASAP to receive Penn Manor credit.

Fall 2016 Dual Enrollment

The Dual Enrollment coordinator turned in Spring and Summer Dual Enrollment applications into Millersville and HACC.  If you are taking a blended course through Seton Hill, please work with Ms. Sallie Bookman. If you are interested in applying to the F&M class, see the above announcement. ALL DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS: Over the summer please submit proof of your enrollment in the class to your guidance counselors so that your Penn Manor schedule can be adjusted accordingly. It needs to be turned in regardless of which school, if it is online, or if it is in person.

Ali Dual Enrollment Scholarship

Seniors can apply for a reimbursement scholarship. A resume, essay, receipts of payment, final grade and application are required. 5-10 seniors may be awarded for this reimbursement scholarship each semester. Consideration is based on thedualenrollmentfile application and financial need. Copies of the application are available in the school counselors office.

All dual enrollment materials are available in the school counselors office, located in a red bin on the shelves in the lobby. 

9th and 10th Grade PSAT Information

9th and 10th graders who did not take Keystone tests were given information about their PSAT scores.  Attached is a link to the presentation.   Students who were testing should get their test information from their homeroom teacher or see their counselor for follow up information and review the link below.


Summer Communications and Media Career Camp

Misercordia University is offering a summer Career Exploration Camp for high school students from June 26th-29th in the field of Communications and Media. During this four day and three night program students will do all of the tasks required to create a television magazine show and a newspaper–print and online. The price is reasonable–$90.  Camp fills quickly.  See the application here: MisericordiaSummerProgram

Summer Science Camp Volunteers needed

Do you enjoy working with children?  If so, the Lancaster Science Factory is looking for Camp Volunteers for this summer to assist with sessions with their STEM Summer Camps. This is a great opportunity for students to have fun while earning building their resume and gaining experience. Volunteers will be responsible for assisting campers with their projects, helping with attendance, assisting instructors with set-up, inventory, and clean-up and monitoring campers during class/break time. STEM camps start the week of June 13th and ends Aug 19. Each camp week will involve a different instructor, topic and group of campers.  Volunteers would ideally sign up for assisting for an entire week or more.

Camp Dates (Monday-Friday)

Morning Session (9am-12pm)

Afternoon Session (1pm-4pm)

Camp Title


Camp Title


June 13-17

Food Fight!


Good Vibrations


June 20-24

Mathemagician Academy


Who done it?


June 27-July 1

Flight 101


Wild Science


July 5-8

Girls Feature: Lotions and Potions


A Fresh Angle on Sports


July 11-15

You’ve got a Golden Ticket


High Steel Structures Presents:

Bridge Mania: Arcs and Arches


July 18-22

Master of Messy Mayhem




July 25-29

Junk Drawer Robotics


The World of Motion


August 1-5



Power of the Sun: Solar Cookers


August 8-12

Oooey Gooey Science


GIRLS ONLY: The World of Motion


August 15-19

The Weather Around Us


Glow in the D

Prospective volunteers will need to go  an interview process and participate in a group orientation prior to the start of the program.   

 Volunteers 18 and over must have an updated Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse Clearance prior to the start of volunteering. Volunteers who have lived outside of PA in the past 10 years must also complete a FBI clearance.

Let’s Talk Lancaster Expo!

Are you seeking help? If not, do you know someone that might be? Please consider attending Lancaster’s mental well-being event where community members will gather together and showcase services, providers and resources that are available to the community to help promote well being.  This event is open to the public and is at no cost. The event will consist of discussions revolving  Community Member’s experiences in recovery, the Compeer friendship program, Mental Health America’s Wellness Academy, assistance available in your workplace for stress and transforming difficult conversations with family and friends, financial assistance programs and navigating the healthcare system.


When? Saturday, May 21st.

Time? 9am-12pm

Where? HAAC Lancaster Campus

To register, please click here

For more questions, please call (717) 544-3811