Junior Lancaster County Career and Technology Tours

The Lancaster County Career & Technology Center offers over 50 exciting full day programs for students their senior year.  The mission of the CTC is to prepare people for skilled, innovative, and productive careers.  The counseling department is sponsering three field trips to each CTC campus.  If you are interested in touring the CTC please stop by the counseling office and pick up a field trip form today.  The deadline to return your form is 10/28.  Questions see your school counselor.

Tour Dates:

  • Brownstown 11/15/16
  • Mount Joy 11/16/16
  • Wilow Street 11/17/16

Education Day November 7th


Education Day is coming to Penn Manor High School on Monday November 7th.  Parents and students are invited to attend from 10:50-1:10. This is your chance to visit with over 100 colleges, and other institutions of higher learning and training all in our East Gym! You will have an opportunity to meet admission representatives from a broad range of educational institutions to discuss entrance requirements, financial aid, campus life and academic programs. Click the link below for the list of participants.

Education Day Attendees

Prepare an action plan for the event.  Click the link below for a list of things to do before the event and questions to consider.

Before the college fairs checklist

Questions to consider

TWIST Event with Thaddeus Stevens

9th grade-12th grade Girls at Penn Manor, you are invited to TWIST with Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology on Tuesday, November 8th, 10 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. (Field Trip leaves from 9:30 and will return by 2:15).

 Learn about amazing opportunities for females within the tech & trade fields!

This exclusive campus visit will include keynote speakers, interaction with current female students, lunch, and a tour of campus. Seniors who attend will get a free application to Thaddeus Stevens, a $60 Value!

Programs at Thaddeus Stevens include Business Administration, Architectural Technology, Graphic Communications & Printing, Water and Environmental Technology, Computer & Network Systems Administration, and over 30 other trade programs.

Please see stop by the school counselors office for a flyer and permission slips. Permission slips need to be returned by Thursday, October 27th to the School Counselors office or to Ms. Slates (room 331).

Interested in a career in Communications? Check this out!

The Communications Department at Elizabethtown College is holding “Com Experience” on Monday, October 24th.

Com Experience is a day when prospective students are invited to tour our department which includes our on-campus, student operated news station and radio station. Throughout the day, prospective students will participate in interactive sessions while learning more about the field of communications and everything we have to offer here at Etown. Prospective students will get the chance to mingle with faculty and current students as they attend sessions.


We are looking for students who are in the process of looking at colleges and are very interested in exploring the field of communications or are thinking about communications as a potential major.

Our event will also have sessions for parents to attend, if they wish to accompany their child.

Below is the link to register and schedule for the day.


Registration – http://www.etown.edu/admissions/visit/department-days.aspx

Our Department Site – http://www.etown.edu/depts/communications/


8:45 – 9:00 a.m.          Welcome Breakfast                              Lounge 

9:00 – 9:30 a.m.           Inside the News Station                     TV Studio


9:30 – 10:00 a.m.              PR Crisis Simulator                          Mac Lab

10:00 – 10:30 a.m.            Know your Brands Exercise         Mac Lab


10:30 – 11:00 a.m.            Producing News on the Move      Remote Bus

11:00 – 11:30 a.m.          Alumni Speaker Stephanie Couch ‘10       BLR


11:30 – 12:20 p.m.            Lunch with Students                               Marketplace


 12:20 – 12:50 p.m.            Exploring the Road to Radio Fame     Radio Studio

Observe our WWEC 88.3 radio station and get a taste of what it

takes to be a radio DJ.

 12:50 – 1:15 p.m.              Closing Remarks/Optional Dismissal      Lounge

1:15 – 1:45 p.m.                Mingle with Students & Professors        Lounge



The ASVAB is Coming!

If you are a student in 11th or 12th grade and need some help making career decisions, then think about taking the ASVAB. The ASVAB is the entrance exam used by the military and it is also a great personal interest and skills assessment tool. The ASVAB will be offered on October 19th at Penn Manor High School at 7:40 A.M. If interested, please sign-up in the guidance office!


The ASVAB-Career Exploration Program can help you take steps toward finding a career that is right for you! You can benefit from the program whether you plan to pursue further education after high school, join the military, or enter the work force right away.

The program is designed to help you:

                   A. Learn more about yourself and the world of work.

                   B. Explore occupations in line with your interests and skills.

                   C. Develop an effective strategy to realize your career goals.

For more information on the ASVAB Career Exploration Program, visit http://www.asvabprogram.com or contact ASMEPCOM at 1-800-323-0513.

Ada Lovelace Day: The first computer programmer

The second Tuesday of October is Ada Lovelace Day.  Lovelace  is known as the first computer programmer when, in 1842, she translated an article which detailed “what is believed to be the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine” (2016, October 10 LNP). Founded in 2009, International Ada Lovelace Day celebrates the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Organizers of Ada Lovelace Day hope that “young girls will see that it’s not just OK to love science, tech, engineering and maths, but that there are real opportunities for them at school, at university, and at work” (2016, October 10, Charman-Anderson, Quoted in Forbes). A group of Penn Manor staff and community members are working to provide more information to students about Computer Science Careers. In honor of Ada Lovelace day, below are a few opportunities for girls in STEM and Computer Science. Check back on the blog in the future for a more extensive list of opportunities (a webpage of resources is in development). If you have other events and opportunities you would like included in a resources list for girls interested in Computer Science, please contact Ms. Wile or Ms. Miller.

Upcoming Events for Women in STEM for Penn Manor High School Girls:

  • Detail Coming: Field Trip to Thaddeus Stevens for TWIST with TSCT.   This TWIST event (Targeting Women in Science & Technology) will be Tuesday, November 8th from 9-2:30.  Female Penn Manor Students grades 9-12th will be able to take advantage of this field trip. Invitations, details and sign-up information will be available on the blog and announcements in the coming weeks. Seniors who attend will get a free application to Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.

Opportunities for through out Lancaster County in STEM and Computer Science:

Penn Manor High School Course offered:

  • AP Computer Science Principles (Prerequisite- Algebra 1 proficiency)
  • Open Campus Video Game Design
  • Elective Applied Engineering & Technology courses on pages 27-35 of the Course Selection Guide.
  • Millersville University Dual Enrollment: Intro to Computer Programming, Computer Science 161 (Prerequisite- proficiency on Millersville Math Placement test or AP Calc Exam). Dual Enrollment Interest meetings are each each semester for the following semester, to sign up to learn about Spring Dual Enrollment Meeting in October click here.

Read More about Ada Lovelace Day 2016:

Kundu, S. (2016, October 10). Ada Lovelace Day 2016- A celebration of women in science and technology. Forbes. Link

Negley, E. (2016, October 10) In time for Ada Lovelace Day, here’s advice from 4 lancaster county women in tech. LNP, pp B1, B4. Link

Penn Manor Teachers: Consider participating in Hour of Code during  Computer Science Education week, December 5th-11th  https://csedweek.org/.  Sign-up now to receive posters and promotional materials by December. 

Elizabethtown College to Hold FAFSA Completion Event

Seniors planning to attend a two or four year college or university after high school must complete the FAFSA form in order to be eligible for any federal, state, or college grants or loans.  The FAFSA is not available to be completed after October 1st.  Check your colleges for their FAFSA deadlines.  The PM Counseling Office encourages you to complete your FAFSA as early as possible.  In addition to the PMHS FAFSA Completion Night on November 29th there are other local events.   Check out this free help session at E-town College.  This is NOT just for students who plan to attend E-town!

 2017-2018 FAFSA Workshop:

  Saturday October 22nd

  9am – Noon

  Esbenshade Room 281

  Elizabethtown College

Why wait to submit your FAFSA application? Work one-on-one with a Financial Aid Counselor to create an FSA ID, submit the FAFSA application, and ask questions. 

The 2017­–2018 FAFSA is available on October 1, 2016. You can submit it online at www.fafsa.gov. To speed up the FAFSA process, get prepared early. Here is what you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA:

  1. Your FSA ID* — In order to sign your FAFSA electronically, you will need an FSA ID. You can help to prevent processing delays by getting an FSA ID before you begin the FAFSA.

Tip : Make sure to record all FSA ID passwords and security questions. They are case sensitive.  

  1. Your social security number* —If you are not a U.S. citizen, you will also need your Alien Registration Number.
  2. Email Address*
  3. Your driver’s license number — If you don’t have a driver’s license, then don’t worry about this step.
  4. Your tax records* — Use income records from the 2015 tax year. If you have filed your taxes already, you may be able to automatically import your tax information into the FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. Tax records may include IRS forms 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, and W-2 Forms.
  5. Records of your untaxed income* — Records and documentation of other untaxed income received such as welfare benefits, Social Security income, veteran’s benefits, military or clergy allowances, child suCampus Mappport received, money received or paid on your behalf, etc.  (if applicable).
  6. Records of all your assets* — This includes savings and checking account balances, certificates of deposit, 529 plans and other college savings programs, as well as investments such as stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses or farms.
  7. List of the school(s) you are interested in attending —We will use your FAFSA information to determine the types and amounts of financial aid you may receive.

*If you’re a dependent student, you will need this information for your parent(s) as well.


To Register contact :

 (717) 361-1404 or finaid@etown.edu