Below you will find the instructions and Checklist for the Graduation Project. 9th and 10th grade students will get a paper-copy of these files from their homeroom teacher during the keystone testing days. Copies are also available in the school counselors office.
11th graders: your graduation project is due before the end of your Junior year. It is highly recommended that you finish by early spring semester so you can present to your counselor early. Email or make an appointment with your counselor to present your project. If you do not present to your counselor early, you will present to a panel of teachers in May.
A school counselor will be available in the library on December 14th and 15th from 7:40 am-8:25 am to answer questions about the graduation project.
10th graders: If you are not keystone testing, you will be working on this Wednesday or Thursday. Your homeroom teacher will give you a paper-copy of the above files. Please see your homeroom teacher for questions. A school counselor will come to your homeroom one of the days to answer questions.
9th graders: On one of the days of the keystone testing, you will hear a presentation from the school counselors about the graduation project and be given time in your homeroom to work on the first part of the project. You will be given a paper-copy of the above files by your homeroom teacher.