2017 Pennsylvania College Camp

Looking for guidance on what steps you should be taking in preparing for college? The 2017 Pennsylvania College Camp offers an intensive three day/two night workshop designed to help rising seniors and juniors with the difficult steps that arise while preparing for the college process. During these workshops you will be learning how to complete a college search, fill out an application, experience life in residence halls, learn about financial aid, how to take standardized tests all while having fun. The College Camp workshop is designed for 60 students and students will be pair with mentors for the camp to help them with every step so that they are equipped to handle the college process following graduation. The 2017 Pennsylvania College Camp will be held at Albright College on July 25-27 and deadlines for applications are due May 1st. For any additional information about this years College Camp the link to the website is here. 

Summer Job Search

Having trouble finding a job for over summer? If so, stop by the counseling office and take a look at the job board. Employers are looking for Penn Manor students to hire for summer so we hope that you try and take full advantage of that opportunity. With a wide variety of jobs available there are many different options for students to choose from. Summer will be here before you know it so stop by and pick up an application today.

Career Seminars Spring 2017

This spring we will have three Career Seminars open to students 9th-12th grade: Computing Careers, Art and Engineering portfolio, and Education. Read the descriptions and sign up for one or more at the link at the bottom of this post.


Career Seminar on Design (Art & Architecture) March, 27th
Several college majors require a portfolio as a part of the admissions process. If you are interested in architecture, fine arts, photography, Fashion and Design, Commerical/Graphic Arts, Civil Engineering or other majors which might require a portfolio, than this career seminar is for you.

  • Lee Lovett, a local artist currently highlight artist at Red Raven Gallery
  • Larry Levato from CRA Architects
  • Shauna Frischkorn, Professor of Art/Photography at Millersville University

will be here with other professionals to share about the portfolio process and various careers.

Education Careers-April 10th
Come learn about education careers beyond typical K-12 teachers you have interacted with so far in your careers.

  • Raeann Harmon, PhD,  Messiah College Family and Consumer Science
  • Chester Holland IV, MPA, CNP, Doctoral Student at University of Delaware School of Public Policy and Administration
  • Millersville Color of Teaching Mentoring Program, college students will share why they are going into education.

More speakers about education careers in adult education and high education are being scheduled.

Students, Sign-up for one or more of these career seminars here:

Counseling Office Job Board

As the school year starts to come to a close it is time to start thinking about finding a job for the summer. With a large variety of local businesses in the area there are plenty of opportunities to make some money at a job that you will enjoy. If interested in finding out more about possible jobs for summer or earlier stop by the counseling office and check out our job board with all the businesses interested in having Penn Manor students work for them so apply now!

College 101: Tools for all future paths


The 2017 College 101 event is Wednesday, March 29th at 6:30 pm in the High School Library.   

Everything you need to know about the admissions process from college reps and school counselors for grades for students grades 9th, 10th, and 11th. After the general college information about the college search, application timeline, and college entrance essay writing, there will be breakout sessions for students and families by grade:

“How to Make the Common App ‘Not So Common”  For 11th graders planning on attending a 4 year college about the components of applying to college, and more details about what and to include in applications.

“Become a Star applicant”  For 9th &10th graders who have a strong idea about what they want to study in college, this session will reveal what college admission reps look for beyond grades and GPA.

“New Economy, New Skills: What Success Looks like in the 21st Century” For 9th, 10th, & 11th graders who aren’t sure of their career path, this session will explore skill-based jobs that are in high demand in Lancaster County and how to get training for the future.

College 101 logoOther opportunities for students to explore career options are Career Seminars (throug-out the year), Financial Aid Night (in the Fall) and FAFSA Completion night for seniors (in the Fall).


Workforce bound & Undecided Senior Seminar

The School Counseling Department will be hosting a four-part students heading directly to the workforce and seniors who are undecided on a plan for after graduation.  This Seminar series for the Class of 2017. As this is your final semester as a high school student at Penn Manor, we want to provide relevant job search skills and resources necessary for you to have a successful journey beyond high school. If you don’t think you’re interested in the linear four-year college pathway, become an active participant in the Senior Seminar to learn about other options and career tools available to you.


All four parts will be held in the High School Library during homeroom from 10:30am – 11:20am.

Part 1 – Wednesday, April 12, 2017: Job Search via Social Media

      • Ms. Haines will be explaining how to use fundamental pieces of CareerCruising to better assist you in your career search.
      • Have your resume and computer with you as we go through a live tutorial on how to update your paper resume into a live web-document on LinkedIn.
      • Learn what online platforms are available for you to discover employment opportunities and how to submit your information on these databases.

Part 2 – Wednesday, April 19, 2017: Resume Builder

      • Mrs. Wile will demonstrate the essential components of a resume and why it is so important in finding a career.
      • You will expand your CareerCrusing resume to create a document that sets you apart from other candidates applying for jobs.

Part 3 – Wednesday, April 26, 2017: Career Fair

      • Come meet with professionals from Conestoga View, High Steel LLC, Willow Valley, Warfel Construction, and D.H. Funk & Sons LLC.
      • Participate in conversations with these recruiters to discuss potential job opportunities and qualifications.
      • Bring your resume so they remember you!

Part 4 – Wednesday, May 3, 2017: Resource Fair

      • Come meet with professionals from organizations in Lancaster County including:
        • Adult CTC
        • HAAC: will be promoting certification programs and remedial courses
        • CareerLink: will be promoting their Ready2Work program
        • Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology: will be promoting their 9-month certificate degree programs
        • Military

Please, register for these events here: http://bit.ly/2n2hEnw

PACAC College Fair at Millersville University

If you would like to visit and meet with representatives from colleges and technical schools, we have an awesome opportunity for you! Millersville University is hosting a regional college fair with over 150 schools. This event is FREE for Penn Manor students. We will meet at 9:00am in the Cafeteria.

Information on: Colleges, trade schools, military, career options, financial aid, and scholarships

When: March 16th, 2017

Where: On Campus at Millersville University

Students have two options:

  • Go to the fair only from 9:20- 10:30
  • Stay and take a tour of Millersville University’s campus from 10:30- 11:30 – you will need a packed lunch

Even if you have ZERO interest in MU it would be great to take a tour so that you learn what to ask on a tour, and what to look for when taking a tour.

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_OJvz7mEnBo3u9rjax2rviALcuhMyGhMh2asjsZOqPU/edit

Review which schools/organizations are attending here: Lancaster Regional College Fair Organizations


Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP)

There is a free summer camp, at Point Park University’s campus, available for qualified sophomore, junior, and senior high school students interested in accounting. The Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP) will take place from SUNDAY, JUNE 25 – FRIDAY, JUNE 30.

The goal of ACAP, which is part of the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc., is to increase the understanding of accounting career opportunities among high school students in underrepresented minority groups. Through ACAP, students throughout the United States have received educational enrichment experiences and practical help needed for college preparation and a career in accounting.

The field of accounting has been identified as one of the fastest growing professions according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor. Yet studies have shown that there has been declining enrollment in accounting and finance among minority students.

The deadline to apply is Friday, May 19, 2017.

Apply here!


High School Academy Career Edge Program

This summer, the NYU School of Professional Studies will offer high school students the opportunity to live and learn in the heart of New York City, the cultural and financial capital of the world. NYU | SPS’s summer program is one-week long, allowing students to explore career options and gain a competitive edge when applying for college. This summer program offers over 30 study options to choose from. The application deadline is July 1st.

For program details and applications, visit: http://www.sps.nyu.edu/academics/hsacademy/summer-programs/career-edge.html

For additional information, email: sps.hsacademy@nyu.edu or call 212-998-7006