Elizabethtown College Engineering Summer Academy

Rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors are invited to apply for the Elizabethtown College Engineering Summer Academy. The multi-day program takes place on the College’s beautiful 204-acre campus where students will use engineering, creativity, and scientific innovation to explore the Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st century. Through this program you will learn about many different engineering career paths, all while continuing to develop skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. 

The program will take place July 15-19, 2024 from 7:45 am – 4:30 pm. The cost is $525/participant (includes admissions, materials, and meals), however, there are still numerous FULL scholarships available.  Students will need to provide their own transportation.

For more information and to apply, please click here. The application deadline is May 31, 2024.

From High School to Health Care: Virtual Career Event

Are you interested in learning more about a career in health care? UPMC is hosting a “High School Virtual Career Event” on May 15, 2024 from 6-7 pm. This event will cover opportunities for high school students in health care and include a Q&A at the end of the presentation.

UPMC offers current high school students and graduates a wide range of opportunities:

  • Explore the variety of health care career options through volunteer and shadowing opportunities!
  • Start working right away without more schooling!
  • Learn on the job through some of their training programs!
  • The UPMC Scholars Program has selected positions where students can be paid the cost of their education after they graduate and start working at UPMC. 

Join this virtual event to learn more! Please register at: From High School to Health Care: UPMC Scholars Virtual Career Event

Once you register through the link, you will be sent the Zoom link to access the event on May 15th. This event is ideal for high school students, parents/guardians, school counselors, and school administrators in the Central PA region.

Social Media Free Week

Next week is National Screen-Free Week, May 6th-11th, 2024. The School Counselors at Penn Manor High School are encouraging families to look at the resources on screenfree.org and talk about a personal family goal to reduce screen time and social media use for a week. University researchers examined the impact of taking a one-week break from social media. They found that the levels of depression and anxiety dropped significantly when participants took a break from popular platforms like TikTok, Instagram and SnapChat. Adults and Teenagers can make a commitment as a family to reduce or give up social media use for a week and find replacement activities for to do together.

Read more about the research behind Screen-Free week https://screenfree.org/research-says-unplug/

The link between screen use and mental, physical, and emotional problems is clear. A Standford University Study revealed that during an average week of classes, screen use comprised 50.2% of a student’s waking hours. Every day lower-income kids spend 1.4 more hours on screens than affluent peers.
tips are written below. https://www.screenfree.org/project/universities-students-and-screen-time/

Tips for Adults and Teenagers:

  1. Tips for less screentime at school:
    • Take class notes by hand if possible and look for physical copies of required readings
    • If you struggle with scrolling but don’t want to delete the message part of your social media, try only checking social media from your laptop and deleting the apps from your phones
  2. Taking care of your mental health:
    • Don’t just remove screens: REPLACE THEM. Pick up a hobby, plan a hike, or read a good book.
    • Before posting online, ask yourself WHY?
    • Adequate rest in an important part of wellness, and screens make it harder to sleep. Try to stop scrolling an hour before bed. Adults and teenagers can hold themselves accountable by plugging in your devices in a public place away from bedrooms and using a different alarm for the mornings. Late night screen usage can keep us feeling alert and suppress the release of the sleepy hormone melatonin. Sufficient sleep is not just important for tackling the next day at school, a lack of sleep in children has been linked to an increased risk of obesity.
  3. Taking care of your social health:
    • At meals, keep your phone in your bag… out of sight, out of mind! Spend time with the people around you.
    • If you can, call a friend instead of text them!
    • Remember, conflict is better handled in person than over the phone. Conflict over text is never a good way to come to a solution. Tone is difficult to guess online.
  4. Taking care of your physical health:
    • Go outside, starting with 15 minutes a day.
    • Get moving! There are plenty of gentle exercises that help combat ‘text-neck’ or stiff wrists from typing and phone use.
    • Mindful breathing helps combat anxiety.


Article: Reflection tools to help manage teens and social media
Article: 8-ways-to-help-teens-unplug-from-technology
Activity Log Planner
101 Screen Free Family Activities
  1. https://www.bu.edu/articles/2021/depression-anxiety-loneliness-are-peaking-in-college-students/
  2. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=fsrs2020
  3. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/02/210219190939.htm
  4. https://www.rallyhealth.com/health/unexpected-effects-screen-time
  5. https://stanforddaily.com/2020/07/08/stanford-students-now-spend-four-fifths-of-the-waking-day-staring-at-a-screen-is-this-the-new-college-normal/
  6. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/sites/default/files/research/report/0-8census_digitaldivide_release.pdf

PennDOT Opportunity for High School Seniors

The Department of Transportation (PennDOT) in Lancaster County is accepting applications for CDL Operator Trainees (Transportation Equipment Operator Trainees) now through May 7, 2024.  Students can apply NOW and put on the application that they are graduating in May 2024.  They must be 18 years old at the time of appointment. 

This is a great way to obtain a full-time position with the Commonwealth and get paid to earn a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL).  

Link to the posting is below:


Good luck to all applicants!