Attention girls: if you are thinking about a career in construction, ABC Keystone is hosting its first-ever All ‘bout Construction (ABC) Girls Camp from June 15-19, 7:30 AM to 4 PM each day, at their facility in Manheim at no cost.
Who: Girls from Lancaster County, ages 14-18
Where: ABC Keystone: 135 Shellyland Road Manheim, PA 17545-8683
When: June 15-19, 2020.
About the Program:
The All ’bout Construction Girls Camp provides girls the opportunity explore a career in the construction through inspiration and mentoring from construction industry professionals. Campers will experience the construction trades through hands-on learning as they build and develop their self-esteem by learning skills to solve challenging projects and successfully completing them. During the camp, attendees will gain foundation skills including problem solving and managing team dynamics. Campers will take multiple field trips to area contractors to see construction in action. At the ABC Keystone training facility, they will utilize their newly-gained knowledge of select trades to build their very own take-home project! There is no fees to attend this camp.
Apply NOW, Space is limited to 20 campers. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY APRIL 30, 2020.
Register at:
For more info, visit their website: