Vaping Prevention and Awareness Night

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, Penn Manor will host a Vaping Prevention and Awareness Night in the High School Auditorium beginning at 6:00 PM. This special event is intended for all parents, guardians, grandparents, friends, and community members and will be presented by the Caron Foundation with special guest speaker Ms. Stephanie Owsiany, Student Assistance Program Specialist.

This one-hour live presentation provides parents and caregivers of elementary, middle, and high school students with research-based information that can help reduce the chances that their teen will engage in substance use.

Please note that Penn Manor High School students will provide free child care for this event. While registration for this event is not required, we are asking that anyone needing child care for this event to please complete this Google Form no later than April 14, 2023, so that we are able to provide adequate child care coverage. We look forward to partnering with you to support our students!

Click here to learn more information about Penn Manor School District’s Vaping Prevention and Awareness Night.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please reach out to PMHS Assistant Principal, Kim Marsh at 717-872-9520 ext. 1807 or by email at

College Fair Field Trip

Now is a great time to begin your college planning! Join the Counseling Department for a Field trip to the PACAC Lancaster College Fair on Tuesday, March 15 from 9:30 am until 11:20 am. The fair will take place at Thaddeus Stevens College. Field Trip forms are available in the Counseling office and Juniors Google Classroom. Forms must be returned by February 25, 2022.  Cost is free and space is limited. Masks are required for the bus and in the buildings of the college.

This trip is best suited for Juniors and undecided Seniors.

Academy Night- In person at PMHS

 On Friday, February 25th 6:30-8:30 pm, at Penn Manor High School, there will once again be an in-person Academy Night for the 11th District of Pennsylvania.  United States Service Academy Liaison officers, ROTC representatives and DODMERB personnel will be present to brief on their programs.  Information provided will include answers to the following:

    ·       The difference between attending an academy/ROTC and military recruiters
    ·       The value of attending a summer program at an Academy
    ·       Describing the ‘ideal’ candidate
    ·       Determining the difference between a nomination and an appointment

          Especially now, with the changes to SAT/ACT standards, extracurricular push, and hybrid learning, it is important for those students/parents/educators to understand the process and the rigors of the application/admission.

Please contact Mary O’Connor at to RSVP or with any questions.

Click below to download the flier with more information.

Education Day 2021

Please Join Us For

Education Day

College and Career Fair

Monday, November 1st in the East Gym

Parents and students are invited to attend Penn Manor Education Day on November 1st, 2021.   Over 100 admission representatives will be here from two and four year colleges, technical, nursing and business schools in the East Gym.  This is a great opportunity to speak to admission counselors and ask questions about the various Career Preparatory Programs and Colleges from around the East Coast. Learn about entrance requirements, financial aid, campus life and academic programs. NEW additions include local workforces sharing career information and job opportunities.

The event time will be 11:15am -1:15pm- during Block 3 and lunches.

Parents are welcome and can enter through the main office.

Click here for: College and Career Fair Attendees

Millersville University Instant Admission Decision Day 

October 22nd, 2021

Instant Admission Decision Day is a chance for seniors to meet with an admissions representative and find out immediately if they are accepted into Millersville University. 

Follow these steps to participate:

  1. Complete the MU’s application online before October 15th. 
  1. Request your transcripts to be sent via your school counselor 
  • Instructions are in your class google classroom under “classwork” “tools for after graduation”
  1. You do NOT need to pay the $40 application fee
  • Check off the “waiver” box to waive the application fee
  1. Sign up through the Google Form: Instant Admission Decision Day 2021

*After you fill out the Google Form, a counselor will send you a Google calendar invite. This will be your pass to the counseling office

*You will be meeting with MU admissions representatives. Dress to impress.

  1. Report to the school counseling office on October 22nd promptly at your assigned time. Show the counseling secretary your google calendar invite pass and make sure you sign in. 

**You MUST have a completed application and filled out the Google Form by 10/15 in order to participate!**

Inspire Career Fair

Preparing your student for a career is an important part of his/her education here at Penn Manor.

This year, we are happy to announce that your student will be participating in JA Inspire, a virtual career fair for students. Junior Achievement’s mission is to prepare students for their own economic success.

Through JA Inspire Virtual, students will be learning about themselves through a career assessment and through a reflection of choices made during the career fair. They will have the opportunity to learn about many different careers, job opportunities, internships, and more, all in South Central PA. Our plan is to have your student complete JA Inspire in some classes or on their own. Please feel free to join your student as he/she goes through JA Inspire. Ask questions about career choices, share successes and tips, go into JA Inspire Virtual and visit local booths and watch webinars with them. They each can get a unique log-in from their counselor or teacher and can access the fair 24/7 from March 15th-June 13th. Join in on the fun!

Student Self-paced guidebook for JA Inspire Career Fair

Students will have more information on their grade-level google classroom this week

Instant Decision Day-Millersville University

Millersville University will be doing Instant Admissions Decision Day Wednesday, December 16th. This is where you can apply online, meet with an admissions rep on a virtual call for about 10 minutes to find out if you are accepted!

Applying now through this method means that you don’t have to pay to send your test scores* and you don’t have to do the essay portion of the application.  Sign-up now:

1) Register for Instant Decision Day with Millersville ASAP for timeslot
2) Apply to Millersville on their website (easier than the common app)
3) Request Transcripts on Xello. If you are having trouble, you can sign-up on this google form for the counselors to send it.

*Millersville University is test-optional for students with a GPA higher than 3.2. If your GPA is lower than a 3.2, then please request on the form below for your counselor to send any test scores we have for you (PSAT/SAT/ACT). If you don’t have either, please talk to your counselor to prepare for an admissions interview.

Education Day 2019

Please Join Us For
Education Day
November 4th East Gym

 Parents and students are invited to attend Penn Manor Education Day on November 4th, 2019. Over 100 admission representatives will be here from two and four year colleges, technical, nursing and business schools in the East Gym. This is a great opportunity to speak to admission counselors and ask questions about the various Career Preparatory Programs and Colleges from around the East Coast. Learn about entrance requirements, financial aid, campus life and academic programs. NEW additions include local workforce sharing career information and job opportunities.

The event time will be 10:50-1:05.

Click the link below for a list of attendees:

Admissions Decision Day 2019

Penn Manor Counselors have coordinated Admission Decision Day with Millersville University on November 11th.

Millersville University Admissions Decision Day: Tuesday, November 12th

MU Logo

Deadline to apply to MU online by November 4th *Select “fee waiver” and enter code: FR2020 on the Millersville Application (recommended not to use the Common App for Admissions Decision day to use fee waiver).

Deadline to sign up with PMHS Counseling office by November 4th.

What is Admissions Decision Day? 

Admissions Decision Day means that a student will meet one-on-one with an Admissions rep here at Penn Manor High School. During this one-on-one meeting the student will find out if he/she got into the university. *Art and Music Majors will require an additional review process. In that case, the Admissions rep at the event will explain the process to the students and provide feedback on their application.

Application Tips:

  1. Dress clean and professionally on the day of the event to meet with the admissions reps
  2. Bring a copy of your first marking period report card and/or letters of recommendations if you need that additional competitive edge or need to supplement for low grades in the past.

Test Scores: If you already have your test results, the PMHS Counselors will provide it if you have signed-up online. If you are schedule to take them in the future, please request your SAT through and/or ACT scores through

Transcripts: If you have signed up online, the PMHS Counselors will provide it to the college if you have signed-up online.

College 101 March 14th, 2018

Everything you need to know about the admissions process from college reps and school counselors

The 2018 College 101 event is Wednesday, March 14th at 6:30 pm in the High School Library.   

Everything you need to know about the admissions process from college reps and school counselors for grades for students grades 9th, 10th, and 11th. After the general college information about the college searchapplication timeline, and college entrance essay writing, and interviews. 

“How to Make the Common App ‘Not So Common”   Components of applying to college, and details about what and to include in applications.

“Writing a Stand-out Essay”  Where do I start in writing my college application essay? What do admissions reps want to read about?

“How to Rock the Interview” Many small, competitive colleges require an interview as a part of the admissions process. Learn about this process and how to present yourself in these interviews.

College Bound Logo

College 101



Upcoming events:  There is a field trip open to juniors to a regional college fair on March 15th. Stop by the school counselors office to get a permission slip.