December Monthly Mathlete!

This award is given to one career prep student, one college prep student, and one honors student every month. These students are nominated and chosen by the Math Department on the basis of their hard work and leadership in the math classroom. They will have their pictures posted in the Math Wing for the month and will each receive a coupon for a free MTO at Sheetz.

Dan Brody

Dan Brody has done a tremendous job in Algebra III/Trig.  He will finish both marking periods with an A average, but more importantly he has been a great student.  He answers and asks questions frequently, and he is always willing to help Mr. Staub or another student in the class.  Also, he is always willing to put a problem and solution on the board so other students can see how he solved it.

Haide Sorial

Haide Sorial has been a standout star in Honors Algebra 2!  Since the beginning of the year, her hard work in class, on homework, and excellent scores on tests and quizzes has been extraordinary.  Her dedication in learning the material, asking insightful questions, and mastering the content has been a shining example for your classmates.  Her teachers believe that there is no doubt she will find great success in everything that she does in the future and thank her for being a great student.

Morgan conner

Morgan Connor is doing an excellent job in CP Geo-Trig.  She has the highest overall grade in the class but more importantly, she shows a desire to learn.  She asks intuitive questions, helps her classmates, and volunteers consistently.  Morgan puts forth her best effort everyday, and she is responsible for her homework and missed work when she is absent.  She contributes to the class and influences others to try harder through her positive attitude.  Keep up the awesome effort, Morgan!

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