May Mathletes

This award is given to one career prep student, one college prep student, and one honors student every month. These students are nominated and chosen by the Math Department on the basis of their hard work and leadership in the math classroom. They will have their pictures posted in the Math Wing for the month and will each receive a coupon for a free MTO at Sheetz.

Whitney Eichelberger is receiving this award as a result of her hard work in CP Algebra 1B. She has been such a pleasure to have in class this semester. She is very hardworking and is always willing to help others. She always has her homework done (including weekly reviews and ALEKS). She is one of the top students in the class. and it doesn’t go unnoticed! Her teacher was very impressed when she created customized cards for every student in the class to give them encouragement for the Keystone Exams. She will certainly be very successful throughout the rest of your math career here at Penn Manor.

Kyle Ament is receiving this award because of his hard work in Honors Geo/Trig. He readily accepts challenges and optional assignments, and he uses every second of class time to ensure that he understands each concept and completes everything with accuracy. He has also shown a high level of responsibility and accountability in ensuring that he was prepared to be absent for several days at a time, enabling him to come back to class without missing a beat, having already completed every assignment he missed. His great work ethic, quiet and kind demeanor, and his ability to work well others will be invaluable throughout his high school career and beyond. Keep up the great work, Kyle!

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Anthony Villeaume is being recognized for his hard work in Geometry. He has been by far the top Geometry student so far this spring semester (and probably in all Geometry classes his teacher has had). His teacher enjoys having him in class and his work ethic is amazing. He volunteers answers frequently and always gets his work turned in on time. His teacher also enjoys the fact that his team names for class competitions come from a random chapter of whatever book you are currently reading. His teacher is also amazed at how much he loves to read and thinks that it is awesome that he reads all the time. Best of luck after graduation, Anthony, and we wish you continued success in anything you do after high school.

April Mathlete

This award is given to one career prep student, one college prep student, and one honors student every month. These students are nominated and chosen by the Math Department on the basis of their hard work and leadership in the math classroom. They will have their pictures posted in the Math Wing for the month and will each receive a coupon for a free MTO at Sheetz.

Nam Supakosol is being recognized as a result of her great work ethic in the classroom and when completing homework.  She participates in class by regularly volunteering answers as well as asking insightful questions.  She works well with other students and has a positive attitude.  She is one of the first students done with her work and always with great accuracy.  Keep up the hard work, Nam!

Meaghan Rossi is receiving this award in CP Geometry as a result of her hard work and dedication to learning in class. She eagerly accepts challenges, and she always pushes herself to go beyond the required assignments to gain a better understanding of the material covered in class. Her assignments are always submitted early or on time, and she is always willing to help her classmates when they have questions. If she continues to strive in this manner in all her endeavors, there is little she won’t be able to accomplish!

Danielle Heisey is receiving this award because she is a quiet leader in Honors Calculus. She always has her homework done, she asks insightful questions, and she has a solid understanding of the course content. Her teacher especially appreciates how she is willing to work with all students in the class, regardless of their ability and is very grateful. Her teacher has great confidence in her ability to be successful in BC Calculus next year.





March Mathlete

This award is given to one career prep student, one college prep student, and one honors student every month. These students are nominated and chosen by the Math Department on the basis of their hard work and leadership in the math classroom. They will have their pictures posted in the Math Wing for the month and will each receive a coupon for a free MTO at Sheetz.

Jared Stephan is receiving this award because he has done a great job so far in Honors Math Analysis.  He is very strong mathematically and is a very analytical thinker.  Not only has he scored well on his assignments and will earn an A average for the third marking period, but he also volunteers frequently in class and works well with his peers.  Most importantly, he consistently keeps a positive attitude.  Keep up the good work, Jared!

Tom Aston is receiving this award because he has been a great student in class, and his teacher greatly appreciates his hard work and commitment to class. He always participates, answers questions, and helps keep the class moving along. He has done a great job coming to class each day and putting in hard work, and it has paid off with his excellent grade for marking period 3. He gets along great with everyone and always seems to have a good time in class. His teacher also really looks forward to his awesome team names or Kahoot names whenever they have class competitions! Keep up the good work Tom, and congratulations!

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Dallas Shackelford has earned this award as a result of his effort and responsibility that makes him stand out from his peers and is evident in his work.   Weekly reviews and classwork assignments are always completed with his best effort and on time.   If friends are off task in class, the teacher can always count on him to make the mature choice to not join in but to continue working hard toward meeting his goals.  Throughout the semester, there has been much mathematical growth in his thinking, and he has become a strong math student.  On the last test, he earned the highest score of his class.  His teacher is so proud of him for the choices he is making and for his effort in school.  His hard work is paying off.

February Mathlete

This award is given to one career prep student, one college prep student, and one honors student every month. These students are nominated and chosen by the Math Department on the basis of their hard work and leadership in the math classroom. They will have their pictures posted in the Math Wing for the month and will each receive a coupon for a free MTO at Sheetz.

Morgan Hackart is being recognized with this award because she is a quiet leader in CP Algebra 1B. She consistently has her homework and ALEKs completed, and she demonstrates intuitive thinking during class discussion. In one instance, she asked if substitution could be used to solve a system, even though her class was taking notes on elimination. This was keen insight her part. She did an awesome job on the Data Analysis Unit test.  She is very willing to work with others and shared with her teacher that she has participated in cross country. What is most impressive is that she is new to Penn Manor, having started here at the High School in the second marking period. Keep up the great work, Morgan!

Kaden Peart is being recognized because of his outstanding work in Honors Geometry. He hasn’t missed a point yet on any tests, quizzes, or assignments.  Not only is he super smart, but he also volunteers a lot, contributing greatly to class discussions and group work. He is helpful to his classmates and is very polite and respectful towards everyone.  Great job, Kaden!

Austin Kolb is being awarded as our Mathlete in the career path because the characteristics he displays in the classroom are that of a model student.  He is very hard working, responsible and self-sufficient.  When he has a question or needs clarification, he never hesitates to raise his hand and ask.  His peers have also displayed a sense of comfort in asking him for help.  He is a pleasure to have in class and is well deserving of this award!  Congratulations, Austin!