Additional AP Information

AP Exam E-Ticket Information

  • You will need this to check in on exam day.
  • It will be emailed to you 2 days before each test (you can also access your e-ticket in your student account on My AP (
  • Each e-ticket is personalized to you and isn’t transferrable.
  • DO NOT share your e-ticket with anyone-you could lose your chance to test.
  • Your e-ticket is valid for the May exam schedule (students should test in may unless there is a significant conflict)

AP Test Format

  • Exam Questions are viewed by students in a web browser, like Chrome.
  • Students type or write their responses outside that browser.
  • Students then choose from 3 options to submit responses:
    • Copy and paste a typed response
    • Attach a typed response
    • Attach 1 or more photos of a handwritten response
  • World Language Exams require an iOS or Android tablet or smartphone. These exams cannot be taken on laptop or desktop computers. Before the exam, you must download the free AP World Languages Exam App-available in both the Apple App store and the Google Play Store.
  • If you have any issues on exam day that prevents you from testing successfully, you will be directed to an online AP makeup testing request form where you can describe what happened and request an e-ticket for a June makeup exam. You can also access the form at

5 Steps to Take Before Exam Day

  1. Review your contact information. If you are not receiving emails from the AP Program, log in to your My AP to see the email address you used when you registered to take the exam.
  2. Check your Tech. Choose and prepare the device and documents you will use.
  3. Practice submitting your response. An online AP exam demo will be available on May 4th. Practice at
  4. Gather what you need for each exam. Consult for your specific AP course necessities.
  5. Receive your exam confirmation and e-ticket emails.

The 5 steps just outlined above are listed in the AP Exam Day Checklist. Download the AP Exam Day Checklist at Print or hand copy the checklist for each exam you take. You should fill out the checklist and keep it next to you during the test.

Exam Day

  1. 30 minutes before start time– Check in-use your e-ticket, complete identity information, wait for exam to begin.
  2. Start time
    1. English and History Exams-Question will appear and you have 45 minutes to respond. You then have 5 minutes to submit your reponse.
    2. All other exams except English, History and World Languages-Question 1 appears and you have 25 minutes to develop your response and then 5 minutes to submit your response. Wait for question 2. Question 2 appears and you will have 15 minutes to respond and 5 minutes to submit your responses.
    3. World Language Exams-After check in when prompted select “start my exam”. Follow prompts and listen to exam directions. Complete task 1:Conversation and task 2:Cultural comparison/presentation. Check recordings and submit.

For a YouTube exam walk through check out this video: