2014-2015 Career Seminars

The Penn Manor Counseling Department will be hosting a variety of career seminars throughout the 2014-15 school year.  The goal of these seminars is to expose students to a variety of career options within a specific field.  Representatives from local colleges will also be included in these seminars.  These seminars will run during 2nd block and during homeroom. Interested students should sign up in the counseling office. Please contact the counseling office for more information.

Dates for this year’s seminars:

September 25th-Healthcare Careers

October 23rd-Education Day Preparation

November 3rd-Education Day-11:00-1:15pm  Parents are encouraged to attend

December 11th-STEM Careers

February 19th-Business Careers

March 19th-Industry Careers

April 16th-Green Jobs

May 14th-Social Services and Support Careers