Congressman Smucker’s office will be participating in the 2023 Congressional App Challenge (CAC)! The CAC is a nationwide competition aimed at encouraging U.S. high school and middle school students to learn how to code by creating their own applications. Through this process, the Challenge works to inspire our nation’s youth to pursue careers in computer science by highlighting the value of STEM education.
The competition officially launches TODAY! Check out the steps outlined below to learn more about the 2023 CAC and its timeline:
EXPLORATION – Review the 2023 CAC Rules to learn more about contest parameters.
REGISTRATION – Still interested? Form a team of up to four students (schools can have multiple teams), and register it on the CAC website.
DEVELOPMENT – Create an app! Students can use any programming language and any platform. There are no limits on application theme or topic.
SUBMISSION – Submit the app and a short demonstration video by November 1, 2023.
Following the deadline, submissions will be judged and a winning application will be announced in December 2023. The winning team from PA-11 will then be invited to Washington, DC in Spring 2024 for a reception, where they will meet with the other winning teams from Congressional districts across the country!
As we move through the summer and into the beginning of the school year, I will continue to provide periodic updates with additional information about the competition. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from many of you about this amazing opportunity!
This programming is designed to serve students and families across Pennsylvania. Our target audience is first-generation, low-income, underrepresented students who are interested in continuing their studies in college after high school. Don’t miss this chance to get a head start on your college application process.
Sessions will be held over Zoom conference. Attendance at all sessions is expected, and students attending all sessions will earn an official PACAC certificate of completion. You will participate in this event at your home.
Session topics will include: College Admissions Fundamentals, Paying for College, Writing A Great College Essay, Finding Success In College, and so many more!
By registering for Virtual Camp College, you are committing yourself to an immersive college access experience. While you are not required to attend sessions, we strongly encourage you to attend as many as you can to gain the most from this experience! Sign up here .
Penn State University is looking forward to meeting prospective students and their families at our annual Spend a Summer Day programs! Spend a Summer Day is a University-wide open house, where students interested in Penn State can learn about our campuses, academic programs, admissions process, and more! All 20 undergraduate campuses will host Spend a Summer Day programs, including virtual options with select campuses. For more information and to register, visit our Spend a Summer Day website.
Millersville University and Penn Manor School District began a program that provides an opportunity for high school students to experience college coursework. The program started in the 23-24 school year. High school juniors who meet eligibility requirements can join the Early Enrollment Pathway program. This initiative allows students to take one college course on Millersville University’s campus each semester of their junior and senior years. They will learn about college life, interact closely with faculty, and gain insight into college-level work. Students will receive 3 credits for each class (12 total) completed and upon successful completion of these courses will be admitted to Millersville University ( if that is a post-secondary goal). Tuition for the classes is paid by Millersville University for accepted students. Students will be asked to pay for a course textbook and a planner.
Coordinated by Millersville University’s Lombardo College of Business, this pathway program will help to prepare students for careers across diverse fields, including accounting, entertainment technology, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, occupational safety, environmental health, information technology, sport management, and many more. Early Enrollment and Dual Enrollment are designed to complement what is offered at the high school. Penn Manor has set the requirement that students must have completed four of the following business-related courses at Penn Manor before enrolling. (Four total between grades 9 and 10)
Experiencing Technology Product Design CS: Creating and Making CS: Communicating and Connecting AP CS Principles Honors Engineering Principles (aka Engineering Seminar) Music Technology: Creating & Producing Introduction to Web Development (virtual)
Accounting 1 Accounting 2 Marketing and Advertising Entrepreneurship International Business & Investing Agribusiness & Leadership Intro. to Business (Virtual) Personal Finance (Virtual)
This table shows the eligible courses as prerequisites for the MU Early Enrollment Program. If a course is offered as honors, that qualifies, as well.
Effective July 1, 2024, students shall have successfully completed at least 4 of the related courses before enrolling in the Early Enrollment Program.
To be eligible for this opportunity, students must have mostly College Prep or higher courses or have administrative/counseling approval after submitting the interest form.
Students are required to earn an A, B, or C in the Millersville class in order to be permitted to enroll in the next course.
Examples of the courses students may take at MU include Introduction to Business, Macroeconomics, and Introduction to Management.
Next steps:
For current 10th and 11th graders,
Submit your MU Program Interest Form with parent’s signature to the School Counseling Office. MU Starts class on Aug 19, 2024 which is before the Penn Manor school year starts. You must be able to attend classes during this week. I
Email your counselor to set a meeting to determine if the MU Program is a good fit for you and plan how you can arrange your schedule to make the MU courses fit.
Once you know it works in your Penn Manor Schedule, Register with Millersville University:
For Fall 2024- Students entering their first MU Early Enrollment course should choose: BUAD 101A Introduction to Business 12-12:50 MWF
For Fall 2024– Students entering their 3rd MU Early Enrollment course should choose ECON 101 01 Principles of Macroeconomics MWF 12-12:50 pm.
In June, students will receive an email from the Registrar with news of their acceptance into the class. The student must take a screenshot of the class schedule and upload to the link on the counseling blog Dual Enrollment page as proof of enrollment.
All Early Enrollers must attend a required Orientation in person at MU. This is typically held the first week of August and there is a morning and afternoon session. Check the student’s personal email for the information about the orientation and sign up for a session.
For current 8th and 9th graders.
Please email your counselor to determine whether this program is a good fit for you and plan how you will take the four required Business related courses prior to your Junior Year.
Fill out the interest form (available in the school counselors office) and return it to your school counselor.