UPMC will be hosting several upcoming Student and Parent “Health Care” Career Nights for those interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. Careers can range from direct patient care to behind-the-scenes work in a laboratory or pharmacy. Students and their families will have the opportunity to learn from experts from UPMC in Central PA about the wide variety of opportunities in the field and the education and skills needed for those positions. In addition, schools and colleges will be in attendance to discuss their health care education programs.
To register, visit: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/wHkGrnzrL9. Walk-ins are also welcome. Below is a list of the dates, times and locations for each of the events:
Wed., Oct. 18th, 6-8 pm (UPMC Carlisle Education Center, 1st floor, 361 Alexander Spring Rd., Carlisle)
Wed., Oct. 25th, 6-8 pm (UPMC Lititz Multipurpose Room, 1st floor, 1500 Highlands Dr., Lititz)
Thurs., Oct. 26th, 6-8 pm (UPMC Community Osteopathic Conference Room 2, 2nd floor, 4300 Londonberry Rd., Harrisburg)
Thurs., Nov. 2nd, 6-8 pm (UPMC Outpatient Center Conference Room 1, 2nd floor, 2201 Brunswick Dr., Hanover)
Tues., Nov. 7th, 6-8 pm (Outpatient Services at UPMC Memorial Conference Room 1, 1st floor, 1703 Innovation Drive, York)